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Q: What color light is on your starboard side?
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Which side of a vessel has a red light at night?

Red marks the Port or left side. (Green is Starboard or the right-hand side.) Port

What side is the green light located on a boat?

The green light would be located on the right, or starboard, side of the boat.

A powerboat is operating at night Which color light must show on the left side of this boat?

Left side, port, red light.Right side, starboard, green light.

Which color navigation light must show on the starboard side of a power-driven vessel operating at night?


What color light is the port side?

Red. Easy way to remember, port wine is usually red. The port side is on the left. The starboard side (right) is signified by a green light. Passing at night should be done on the "green" (safe) side when approaching another watercraft.

What color light is displayed from the starboard of a ship?

Starboard = Green = Right side. Port = Red = Left side. As an easy way to remember them look at the number of letters in each: starboard has more than port green has more than red right has more than left GRASS is green, so Green Right At Starboard Side

Which side of a vessel has a green light at night?

Starboard (right side).

What color light does commercial vessel use at night?

All vessels at sea use a red light on the port side (left facing forward to front of vessel), and a green light on the starboard side (right).

Which side of a boat has the green light at night?

The green light is right hand side or 'Starboard'

What side of a vessel has a green light at night?

The right side of the vessel is the starboard side, the light is green. The light is coordinated to the starboard side of the vessel no matter how you look at it. Refer to Rule 21 of the 72 COLREGS, a link is provided below.

What side is the green side light on a boat on?

The green light would be located on the right, or starboard, side of the boat.

A powerboat is operating at night Which color light must show on the port left side of this boat?

When operating a powerboat at night, the port side(left side) should display a red light. The starboard side(right side) should display a green light.