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Restricted warfare (being nice) got them sunk. Because the victim ship would radio a "May Day" or "SOS", which naturally included the victim ship's location (position). Well, this also pin-pointed the subs position! Consequently, by the time it took those people to abandon their vessel, a plane or sea vessel could or would be tracking or diving down the subs neck. Bottom line; it was dangerous for subs to be nice about it!

Un-restricted warfare was easier on the sub & easier on the crew.

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Q: What caused unrestricted submarine warfare by the Germans?
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What caused the United States to join the Allies in fighting World War 1?

the Germans' use of unrestricted submarine warfare

What caused tha US to join tha Allies in fighting World War 1?

The Germans' use of unrestricted submarine warfare against the merchant and passenger ships lead to the United States joining allies in WWI. The US had not a chance fighting the Germans alone.

Which nation's actions caused the united States to fight in world War 1?

Certainly unrestricted submarine warfare as practiced by the Germans in WW1 had an effect. The sinking of the Lusitania was important. 128 Americans were killed. But it would be nearly 2 years later before the US enters the war, in April 1917.

What caused the british ocean liner RMS Lusitania to sink World War 1 causing the death of 1198 people?

German u boat submarines. They were attacking under the declaration of unrestricted submarine warfare, and the Lusitania was in their way.

What caused the US to side with Brittain during World War 1?

Cultaral ties to Britain (traded with Britain and Allies more than the Central Powers) Germany's use of unrestricted submarine warfare Germany's Zimmerman Note to Mexico

The German use of caused tension to increase between the US and Germany.?

submarine warfare

Agreement by Germany to stop using unrestricted submarine warfare?

The sinkings of the RMS Lusitania and ferry Sussex caused enough public backlash against Germany that Germany changed its policy of unrestricted submarine warfare to a policy of attacking only ships that were clearly British. Neutral flagged and passenger ships would be afforded safe passage. Prior to this, U-boats operated under "Cruiser Rules", which effectively gave the ship warning, and time to evacuate before it was sunk. With the advent of air power and subsequent orders to ship captains to ram any surfaced U-boat, that policy became extremely hazardous. The policy of restricted warfare lasted until 1917, when Germany, responding to the effective blockade of Germany by Britain, once again executed unrestricted submarine warfare against any vessel thought to be an enemy or providing assistance to the Allies. This decision ultimately led the U.S. to declare war on Germany, which followed with Germany's defeat in 1918. It is notable to consider the possible outcome of the war if Germany had continued with unrestricted warfare rather than stopped. The Nazi U-boat campaign in the North Atlantic, as well as the American campaign in the Pacific, caused devastating losses and effect to both sides during WWII. The U-boats eventually were defeated in the Atlantic after the Allies developed sound anti-submarine warfare techniques, but it took time. The Japanese never countered the U.S. submarine threat in the Pacific, and it helped lead to their defeat. ASW techniques were essentially non-existent in WWI - had the Germans continued with their USW policy, the war may have gone much differently.

What caused World War 2 rationing?

Germany started a U-boat blockade of Britain and declared 'unrestricted submarine warfare' in 1915. This led to shortages of food and rationing had to be introduced.

What two German actions caused the US to enter Wold War 1?

The Zimmermann Note, submarine warfare

What was the First British Ship sunk in World War 1?

The large British passenger liner RMS Lusitania, in May 1915. Over 1500 total were killed. For more than fifty years after the war the British kept secret the fact the the ship was carrying tons of explosive guncotton and millions of rounds of rifle ammunition to England in her cargo hold, which made her a legitimate target. The German submarine commander could not have known this though. Outrage over this incident caused the Germans to cease for a time "unrestricted submarine warfare", and moved the US closer to entering the war against Germany. When the Germans resumed "unrestricted submarine warfare" at the start of 1917 they knew this move would likely cause the US to enter the war, but they were taking a gamble that they could win the war before the US could get an army to France and change the outcome.

What was the submarine that sink the Lusitania?

The German U-boat S-20, under the command of Kapitänleutnant Walther Schwieger, sank the Royal Mail Steamship (RMS) Lusitania on May 17, 1915. The sinking was off the southern coast of Ireland, killing 1,198 of the 1,959 people aboard. She sank in 18 minutes.The S-20 was patrolling the shores of the United Kingdom, under orders to attack any vessel (known as Unrestricted Submarine Warfare) as the Germans had considered the UK under a naval blockade for several weeks.Schweiger noted that he only fired one torpedo, and that a secondary explosion was so large it caused enough damage that he didn't feel the need for a second. The cause of the secondary explosion remains a controversy to this day.The resulting public condemnation of Germany was so great that Kaiser Wilhelm II ordered the German Navy to return to a policy of Restricted Submarine Warfare. This continued until 1917, when Germany again resumed its policy of Unrestricted Submarine Warfare in response to a British Naval Blockade.

Which nation caused the US to enter world war 1?

Germany's practice of unrestricted submarine warfare that led to the sinking of the Lusitania and the Zimmerman telegram, in which Germany promised Mexico its old lands in California, Arizona, and New Mexico if Mexico attacked the United States all led to the United States' entrance into World War I.