Many people who are trying to sell used boats will use sites such as Kijiji and Ebay. Another option for selling a used boat would be to put an advertisement in your local classified section of the newspaper.
War boats were called triremes.
The viking boats were called tall ships
This depends on where they sell, what they sell, and how much they sell. I know people that sell American made cars that make 60-70,000 a year and I know people who sell imports that make up to 200,000 a year and forget about people that sell planes and boats, they live large...a quarter, two cookies and a pat on the back.
It's simply a matter of the nation's particular language. For example, in France the musket was called a "fusil"; Englishmen called "fusils" muskets. English speaking people called under-water boats submarines, non-English speakers called subs under-sea boats (or under-water boats). The letter "U" is simply short for "Under-Sea" (or Under-Water).
It is called Gondola and the people who drive it is called Gondolier
The small boats of Venice are called gondolas.
Yes, there would be people who own boats in those counties.Yes, there would be people who own boats in those counties.Yes, there would be people who own boats in those counties.Yes, there would be people who own boats in those counties.Yes, there would be people who own boats in those counties.Yes, there would be people who own boats in those counties.Yes, there would be people who own boats in those counties.Yes, there would be people who own boats in those counties.Yes, there would be people who own boats in those counties.Yes, there would be people who own boats in those counties.Yes, there would be people who own boats in those counties.
One can find used boat for sale directly by the owner by reading their local paper and looking for ads in which people are wanting to sell their boats.
life boats