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Q: What action is required of an operator in a boating accident?
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What is the action required of a boat operator who witness a boating accident?

provide assistance.

What is the first action required of a boat operator who witnessed a boating accident?

provide assistance.

What is the first action required of a boat operator who witnesses a boating accident?

provide assistance.

Which action is the legal when boating in Minnesota?


What are five steps in a accident chain?

The Situation, The Unsafe Habit, The Unsafe Action, The Accident, And The Result.

What is a non combat related accident?

Slip and fall, car/truck accident or collision not caused by enemy action, firearms accident, burns.

Which action is safe for a PWC?

Two passengers behind the operator is safe for a PWC.

What happen to energy as we move from step in a chain or web?

1. The Situation 2. The Unsafe Habit 3. The Unsafe Action 4. The Accident 5. The Result

Is it by accident or on accident?

By accident (As 'by' is being used as a stand in for 'as a result of an', which is similar to, 'as a result of an action of Jeff', or 'by Jeff') This also raises the question "why is it 'by accident' but 'on purpose'?" 'On purpose' implies a following of a purpose, (i.e. "on point").

Is a police report required to pursue legal action against an uninsured motorist?

No, but it will make it much easier. The problem is without a police report it is harder to prove the accident occurred, how it occurred, who was involved, etc.

What accident class is it when a soldier is killed?

One has to distinguish between a death in battle- usually worthy of a Purple Heart- a direct casualty of enemy action, and an accident involving a vehicle manned by service personnel- aircraft, tank, jeep, ship, etc where there is no enemy action but the mission is on ( service time) there is a definite difference between a Jeep accident and fatal enemy gunshot- if actual enemy action this is considered a ( Battle death) and not an accident.

What is the Four Stages of the Accident Sequence?

1. The Situation 2. The Unsafe Habit 3. The Unsafe Action 4. The Accident 5. The Result