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They rowed the boat down river. (row rhymes with oh)

The neighbours are always having a row. (row rhymes with cow)

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Q: Use oars to move boat and noisy fight what is the homograph?
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What is the homograph word for use oars to move a boat or a noisy fight?

The homograph word for "use oars to move a boat" and "a noisy fight" is "row."

What is the homograph the word for use oars to move a boat and a noisy fight?

The homograph for using oars to move a boat and a noisy fight is "row".

Homograph for use oars to move a boat or a noisy fight?

It's Row

What is a homophone for the use oars to move a boat and a noisy fight?

The homophones for "oars" and "noisy fight" are "oars" and "oars" ("-oars" and "oars").

Use oars to move a boat or a noisy fight?


A word starting with r that means a noisy fight but also use oars to move a boat?

its a row

A noisy fight start with f or use oars to move a boat start with f?

Something tells me that you are going for row, rhyming with how, and row, rhyming with toe.

What is a homograph for proceed?

One homograph for "proceed" is "proceed," which can mean to continue or to move forward.

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What is a homograph for to stop eating quickly?

A homograph for "to stop eating quickly" is the word "fast." It can mean to move quickly or to abstain from eating as in fasting.

What is the homograph for a device to fasten a door?

The homograph for a device to fasten a door is "bolt." This word can also refer to a type of metal fastener or to move quickly.

What helps the boat to move from one place to another?

The boat has a motor and it spins to make it move