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Q: Under New York law what is required for persons 14 years of age or older to operate a PWC legally?
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What is the minimum age in Missouri to operate boat alone?

All persons must be at least 14 years of age to legally operate a motorboat or PWC unless under the direct, onboard supervision of a parent, guardian, or other person 16 years of age or older. - Missouri boat regulations website

What is the importance of traffice rules?

So that all persons can operate with safety on the public roadways, assured that they (supposedly) are all operating under the same rules.

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Persons who are legally able to give sane and intelligent consent and are legally capable of entering into contracts are generally adults who have reached the age of majority, which is usually 18 years old. They must also be of sound mind, meaning they understand the nature and consequences of their actions. Additionally, they cannot be under the influence of drugs or alcohol when making decisions.

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legally under taking legally under taking

What are the rights of a legal person?

In the United States the state is required to afford equal protection under the law to all persons under it's jurisdiction. Legal or illegal is not meaningful.

Under which conditions may a person 11 years of age or younger operate legally a motorboat powered by a motor greater than 25 horsepower or a PWC?

There are no conditions that make it legal.

When do you need a cdl?

A CDL is required to operate vehicles or combinations with a gross vehicle weight rating of over 26,000 lbs., as well as any vehicle which is a: designed to transport more than 15 persons (including the driver) or b: carrying sufficient quantities of hazardous material that it requires for placards to be displayed under FMSCR guidelines.

Can a submarine go under the US?

Submarines can operate under water, but not under land. The US is a nation on land, and submarines cannot operate under it.

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Are special licenses required to own or operate moving trailers?

Most of the time the trailers that you are able to rent are under the size limit that is required for special licensing. If you need something larger then you might need to get an additional license.

Driving with permit and friends California?

Persons with CA permits are legally only to have passengers 21 years of age or older. This also applies to CA licensed drivers under the age of 18.

Is a federal judge required to hear evidence required by the state of hearing but not required to be considered on the federal level?

It is not clear exactly what is being asked here, but as a general rule, Federal Courts operate under the Federal Rules of Evidence, so it does not matter whether evidence would be admissible under state law. Also worth mentioning since this was put in the Social Security Disability category that Social Security administrative law judges are not bound by the Federal Rules of Evidence, but instead operate under more permissive evidentiary regulations that govern SSA.