The distance between Nantucket and Bermuda is 686 miles.
The Pequod was a whaling ship sailing out of Nantucket, Massachusetts on a voyage to hunt whales in the Pacific Ocean.
The driving distance from Nantucket, Massachusetts to Boston, Massachusetts is about 101 miles / 163 km.
131 miles by road between Newport Gwent and Newport Shropshire
6663 miles by road from Newport to Trongsa, Bhutan
The driving distance is approximately 475 road miles. (766 km)
There are 115 miles between Portland and Newport Oregon.
It is 157 miles from Newport Oregon to Sisters Oregon.
228miles by road
12 miles
The driving distance from Charlotte, NC, USA to Newport News, VA, USA is 351mi / 565km
The driving distance from Pittsburgh, PA, USA to Newport, RI, USA is 547.26mi / 880.73km