

Mass of a boat

Updated: 4/28/2022
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Q: Mass of a boat
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What is the mass of a aluminum boat?

Mass is entirely dependant on volume and substance, how big is the boat and how much does it weigh?

Do material and shape affect buoyancy of a toy boat?

Yes it does because depending on the materials of the boat and how much their mass is can change the buoyancy of the toy boat. Boat can be designed to have less volume in order for it to have less density and be able to float. So if the material's mass is alot if can make the boat sink. If the material's mass is not alot then it can help the boat float. If the shape is designed to have more volume than mass it will float. If not then it will sink.

How is it that a boat floats and a paperclip sinks when the paperclip has less mass?

the boat has its mass spread out evenly while a paperclip is like twisted

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by boat - Siasconset is on Natucket off the coast of Mass

How can a slowly docking boat and a speeding rifle bullet both have a large amount of momentum?

Momentum = mass * Velocity. Boat has large mass but low velocityBullet has small mass but high velocity.Momentum is a function of speed and mass. A slowly docking boat has a low speed, but the boat will have huge mass, therefore the momentum will be a large amount. The bullet has very low mass, but huge speed, and so, again, the momentum will be large.

Why a boat floats using the words mass and volume?

The mass of the boat multiplied by the acceleration due to gravity is less than the mass of the water displaced by the boat multiplied by the force of gravity. Archimedes' principle applies to the weights (not mass) and so it is important that the acceleration due to gravity is included in the answer.

If you and a boat have a combined mass of 2750 Kg than what is the minimum mass of the water that must be displaced by the boat in order for it to stay afloat?

The boat and you experience a buoyant force equal to the weight of water displaced. Therefore, to stay afloat, the boat must displace a minimum mass of water equal to 2750 kg.

What is the best metric unit for the mass of a boat?

Kilograms for a row boat but a ton for larger vessels.

What makes a good boat float?

Boats float because the mass of the water they displace is greater than the mass of the boat. This difference in density creates bouyancy.

How can i set up this a 50kg person is standing at the back of a 2.5m long rowboat if the person walk to the opposite end of the rowboat by how many m will the center of the mass of the boat change?

There are 6 variables to be considered in solving the problem:The mass of the boatThe mass of the manThe location of the centre of mass of the boatThe location of the centre of mass of the manThe location of the centre of mass of the man and boat togetherThe length of the boat.The change to variable 5 is what is wanted to be calculated.The centre of mass of an object is such that there is no net turning moment about it.A turning moment about a point of an object is calculated by multiplying the mass of the object by its distance from the point.The distance is measured in a perpendicular direction to which gravity acts; normally gravity is considered to act down (the page), so the distance is measured across (the page). If the distance is to the right of the point, then there will be a clockwise turning moment; if to the left it will be an anticlockwise turning moment. To allow for this, distances in one direction are measured as positive and in the other negative so that clockwise and anticlockwise turning moments have opposite signs.The mass and centre of mass of the boat do not move.The mass of the man can be considered not to change, but the centre of mass of the man does move.To find the centre of mass of the combined man-boat system you need to find the point around which there is no net turning moment by considering the distances of the centre of mass of the boat and the centre of mass of the man from this point - they will be unknown but a relationship can be made from the length of the boat.Have a go before reading the solution below.------------------------------------------------------------------------------Let the mass of the boat be B Kg.Let the centre of mass of the boat be b metres from the stern of the boat.Let the length of the boat be L metres.Let the mass of the man be M kg.The mass of the man shifts from the stern of the boat to the bow of the boat (a total distance of L metres).By adding a mass to one side of another mass, the centre of mass of the two masses together will shift some distance towards the added mass.Let the centre of mass of the boat and the man when the man is standing at the stern of the boat be x metres from the centre of mass of the boat. As the centre of mass of the boat is b metres from the stern, the man is standing b - x metres from this centre. There is no net turning moment about this centre; thus:Bx = M(b - x)→ Bx = Mb - Mx→ Mb = Bx + Mx→ Mb = (B + M)xThe centre of mass of the boat is b metres from the stern of the boat; thus it is L - b metres from the bow of the boat. Let the centre of mass of the boat and the man when the man is standing at the bow of the boat be y metres from the centre of mass of the boar. As the centre of mass of the boar is L - b metres from the bow of the boat, the man is standing at (L - b) - y metres from this centre. There is no net turning moment about this centre:By = M(L - b - y)→ By = ML - Mb - My→ Mb = ML - By - My→ Mb = ML - (B + M)yFrom these two equations we can eliminate the distance b metres from the stern of the boat to the centre of mass of the boat, and then rearrange the result to find the shift in the centre of mass of the two together which is x + y metres:(B + M)x = ML - (B + M)y→ (B + M)x + (B + M)y = ML→ (B + M)(x + y) = ML→ x + y = ML/(B + M)→ shift = ML/(B + M)In this case:shift is in metresM = mass of man = 50 KgL = length of boat = 2.5 mB = unknown mass of boat in KgThus the centre of mass of both the boat and man will shift:shift = (50 × 2.5)/(mass of boat + 50) = 125/(mass of boat + 50) metreswhen the man walks form the stern to bow of the boat.

Do you need a license to drive a boat in mass?

In mass if ur over 18 no u do not need

How this situation explain newton's third law when throwing a package onto shore from a boat that was previously at rest causes the boat to move outward from shore?

when boat is at rest gravity is pulling mass inside a boat down ward as a reaction strength of boat keep the object in the boat when we ttrow a package on to a shore the mass of boat decrease and G also decrease and reaction force which is upward cause the boat to go up