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Q: Maintaining a proper lookout using human sight applies to boats under what conditions?
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Maintaining a proper lookout using human sight and hearing applies to boats under what circumstance?

All boats at all hours

What is deckwatch keeping?

a proper maintaining of lookout including sounds,lights,shapes,flags,objects etc.

Under what circumstances does maintaining a proper lookout using human sight and hearing apply to boats?

All boats at all hours.

SEcond rule applies to any speed in ideal weather and road conditions?

The second rule of driving states that the proper following distance is at least 2 seconds from the vehicle in front of you. This applies to any speed you are travelling, whether it be slow or fast, as long as the weather and road conditions are ideal. Maintaining a safe following distance allows you to react in time to any sudden changes and helps prevent collisions.

How does a vessel operator keep a proper Lookout?

By watching and listening

What is every vessel operator required to do?

keep a proper lookout.

When must maintain a proper lookout by sights and hearing?

at all times

In the navigation rules what is the duty?

The duty as defined in the navigation rules is the responsibility of all vessels on the water to act in a way that will avoid collisions and minimize the risk of harm to those on the water. This includes following the rules of the road proper navigation communication and maintaining a proper lookout. Additionally vessels should be aware of their surroundings and the weather conditions. Following the rules of the roadProper navigationCommunicationMaintaining a proper lookoutBeing aware of surroundings and weather conditionsVessels should also avoid any dangerous activity that could potentially harm other vessels the environment and individuals on the water.

When you must maintain a proper lookout by sight and hearing?

at all times

When might you maintain a proper lookout by sight and hearing?

at all times

Who is responsible of avoiding a collision between two boats?

Both boat operators are responsible for avoiding a collision by maintaining a proper lookout, following the rules of navigation, and taking evasive action if necessary. It is essential for both operators to communicate with each other and maneuver their boats to prevent a collision.

How can you remove noise in a transmitter?

by proper placement of the Antenna and also by maintaining the proper configuration