Sail boat ; canoe ; kayak
A canoe has a top, with a canoe can use a spray deck. A kayak has an open top so it is like you are sitting on top of it. A canoe is easier to capsize than a kayak. This is a canoe (without These are kayaks a spray deck)
A canoe has a top, with a canoe can use a spray deck. A kayak has an open top so it is like you are sitting on top of it. A canoe is easier to capsize than a kayak.
The French use almost the same word, "canot" for "canoe" as English speakers. Kayak in English is also kayak in French, but in my limited experience there I saw both called canoe-kayak.
Canoe and Kayak is a magazine. On the website you can buy a printed edition or a digital edition of the magazine. On the website you can find gear review, photos, videos and event regarding canoes and kayaks.
A palindrome from an eskimo canoe is "kayak".
canoe or kayak