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Religion:God created the heavens and the earth,when the flood came the world changed and the foundations of the earth were as they are now. Science:Ash flows and mud flows encapsulate the material and kill the bacteria in the cell of the wood / animal / all living life in the flow zone or rain of ash. At this pint it takes Millions of years to from the material to the point of agateized or fossiled material.

In the water table you have silicates and many other minerals in solution this is the factor that makes the material petrified or agateized.....The silicate is quartz in micron size`s, And the carbon of the material in the ash will act as a magnet for the silicate to form the fossilization of said material.

It takes One Billion gallons of water to suspend 1.5 Lbs. of silica. As for the Great un-known flood of about 6500 years age, Petrified & agateized material takes much longer to form.

In my area it is along the lines of 35 Million Bp. ( Bp ...Before present Time. )

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