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As a business owner for most of my adult life, I don't think there is a simple answer. You must be able to properly communicate through reading, writing and good verbal skills. You must also have good common sense. While communication skills typically come from education (both institutional as well as social), common sense comes from within the person. Formal education is a plus, however I have known many successful business owners who never completed high school or a day of college. These people simply had a knack for business and making money. To sum it all up, you need ambition, passion, good communication skills and common sense.

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Q: How many years of education is required for owning and operating a business?
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Many community colleges, chambers of commerce and some vocational schools all provide classes to assist those who are interested in learning more about owning and operating a business. Your local chamber of commerce may be the best place to start, as in addition to education they may be able to introduce you to the people you will wish to do business with.

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Business Legal Services?

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