Assonance is the repetition of identical vowel sounds alongside different consonants, usually in literature or poetry.
Vowel sounds connect and express the more numerous consonant sounds (which are the more specially shaped sounds) to create words. Vowel sounds are the oldest language sounds.
All English vowel sounds are voiced. The number of sounds depends on the type of English (British, American, Canadian, Australian, etc.) which is being spoken.
There are 2, a schwa for the A and a short U. (uh-mung)
The word second has two vowel sounds, a short E and a schwa (sek-und)
Consonance, as opposed to assonance of vowel sounds or alliteration of sounds at the beginning of words.
It has two short vowel sounds, the A and the I.
differenciate between vowel and consonant
There are many words, but one example is the word "father" in which the 'a' sounds like the 'o' in box.
Only one, a long A as in lane or came. The E is silent.
Yes. Both the U and the I have short vowel sounds.