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9 eight rowers and a cox

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Q: How many people in each boat in the Oxford and Cambridge boat race-?
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How many people in each boat in the Oxford and Cambridge boat race?


Where is the boat race held between Oxford Cambridge?

The annual University Boat Race between Oxford and Cambridge takes place on the Rover Thames in London between Putney and Mortlake, each spring.

What is world famous rowing event that takes place on the thames each year?

The Boat race between oxford university and Cambridge University

Which is older - Oxford or Cambridge?

Cambridge was founded in 1209 (it is celebrating its 800th anniversary in 2009). Oxford was founded a little bit earlier though the exact date is unknown. Cambridge was founded by faculty from Oxford who realised they could do better and left. All the Oxford colleges (what make up Oxford University) were founded many years after the founding of Cambridge and are thus younger than Cambridge University. The University of Oxford is the oldest English-speaking university in the world.

Which is better Oxford or Cambridge university?

Oxford and Cambridge are practically the same in terms of academic acheivement: you can see this in league tables in which they're constantly battling over 1st, often separated only by negligible amounts. So, when choosing whether to apply to Oxford or Cambridge, try to focus of other questions such as: Which University offers my course? Which course do I prefer? Which University do I feel more at home at? What extra-curricular activities are available at each University? etc. Take some friendly advice from an Oxford graduate: pick the one which you think is prettiest. All colleges have good and bad points; you'll learn to live with the bad, and you will love the good. Clare is a particularly pretty Cambridge College; University is a particularly pretty Oxford College.

How do you skip a year in high school?

bassically you have to prove that your really talented with high aspirations, you have to ace each subject and have the desire to go to oxford ( cambridge will doo too !)

Is Pakistan a good country for education?

Pakistan is a great place do have education. Lifes easy. I know many people who go cambridge and oxford in London its soo good. so you know respect each otherz religions and yh hope dis helped.

A group of 8,070 people is going on a boat tour. If each boat holds 11 people, how many people will be on the last boat?

The answer is nothing I don't flipping remember!!!!!!

How many people can fit on an 18' pontoon boat?

2-6 adults... or roughly 8 people weighing 150lbs each.. also, each boat should have a weight rating plaque on the helm or somewhere on the boat.

How many people go on a boat each year?

The number of people who go on a boat each year can vary widely depending on the location, type of boat, and purpose of the trip. It is estimated that millions of people worldwide go boating each year for recreational activities, fishing, transportation, and other purposes.

What is the UK term meaning absence from University especially Oxford or Cambridge?

I'm not too sure what you mean by this.. we have 'vacations', when we leave at the end of each term we 'exeat', when you get chucked out you are 'sent down', when you drop out for a year you 'degrade'... Hope that helps.

How many people are there in each boat for the university boat race?

5 No, it's 9 - 8 rowers and the cox.