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The collapsible canvas boats each held 40-47 people; there were 4 collapsible boats aboard the Titanic when she sank.

The full size lifeboats seated 60-65 people each, and there were 16 of those aboard the Titanic, that night.

The cutters each held 35-40 people, and there were 2 cutters on the ship.

It had been suggested that 48 full size boats, 2 cutters, would have been enough to save everyone aboard. This was also suggested to the owners and builders of the Titanic, by boat designers and consultants at the time Titanic was being built, but the suggestion was disregarded by the owners.

Not all the boats aboard the ship left the ship with people in them; some went over the side, empty, in the panic and confusion. Not all the boats held the maximum number of people that could fit in them as they pulled away, either. That was probably partly due to panic and confusion, but also due to some people abandoning the ship to save themselves, not worrying about those left behind.

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Q: How many people could go on the life boats in titanic?
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