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twice as long as half of it

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Q: How long is a yacht?
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How long are around the world yacht races?

around the world yacht races take an extremly long time 6 months to be exact

What was the Name of yacht used in film the long Good Friday?

The name on the yacht is the "Rina Jersey" I would be interested to know if anyone has further info re this yacht.

Is it Yaught or Yacht?

The correct spelling is "yacht," pronounced /jɒt/ in British English and /jɑt/ in American English. The word originates from the Dutch "jacht," meaning "hunt" or "chase." It refers to a recreational boat or ship used for cruising or racing.

What is a 4 letter word for a long pole on a yacht?


How long is an around the world yacht race?

6 months

How big is a yacht?

590-feet long, AZZAM, is the worlds largest yacht and new "Mini Yacht" is 24 Ft. Reference : New "Facebook Yacht Gallery" called "Ocean Invites You" at url

What is a semi-displacement yacht?

This is a yacht that has capabilities of going fast enough to plane, but can also be run at low RPM's to travel long distances. In between a trawler and a speedboat.

What is 'yacht' in Italian?


Can you have a long term yacht on Lake Michigan?

NO, but it is possible to sustain the use of a seven spotted tortoise shell while swimming upside down through a tunnel.Useful answerThere are no specific laws banning a Yacht long or short term.

What do you wear on a yacht?

i have a yacht and i wear long light sleeved shirts so i dont get burnt and board shorts or a tight wetsuit top. depends on the weather. what is the weather like?

What yacht company made tiger woods' yacht?

Christensen Yacht Company

How long would it take you to get to Bermuda from Va Beach VA in a yacht?

6 years