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Q: How far must a PWC stay from a designated swim area?
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Is Washington dangerous?

Yes any water is dangerous. You can drown you could get leaches swimmers itch, malaria. But it's pretty safe if you know how to swim if you swim in the designated swimming area. And take a shower right after.

What features enables the shark to stay afloat more easily in water?

Sharks lack a swim bladder, which enables a fish to float. Sharks must swim constantly or they will die.

Can you swim in Brighton beach?

Yes, you can swim at Brighton Beach in Brooklyn, New York. The beach is open to the public and swimming is allowed during designated hours. Be aware of any posted advisories or warnings and always swim within designated areas for safety.

What is a bird that cant fly that can swim in the ocean ans stay dry?

It is impossible to swim in the ocean and stay dry.

What do you do when you can not swim?

stay home

What does an orange crossed diamond black lettering mean?

Keep out: A diamond shape with a cross means boats must stay out.A buoy or sign may show only the symbol or may also indicate Swim Area, Beach, Keep Out, No Boats, Closed Area, Dam, etc.

How far must a swimmer swim in YOG?

A swimmer must swim 75m.

Can sheep swim?

Yes, they can swim if they must.

Do whales move around or stay in the same area?

they can; some do; others can possibly swim in several

How long can a male Iguana swim?

A male iguana can stay and swim underwater for 28 minutes.

Can you go in the ocean or river to swim?

It depends on the area. Check with local officials or simply read signs to figure it out. You do not want to swim where jellyfish, mantas, or sharks swim. THAT IS DEADLY. Stay close to shore or stay in your boat in the ocean. On a river, the fish are not as deadly but some can really hurt you. Once again, check with people who go boating a lot to determine the answer. Most of the answer is common sense, however.

What is the similarities of a shark and a human?

both species have teeth and eat meat. Both can swim but when they do they must breath once in a while and find it easier to stay near the top.