Created by a series of complex processes, submarine canyons continue to be carved by sporadic turbidity currents waterfalls of sand, gravel, and muddy sediments.
Turbidity currents are fast-moving underwater sediment flows that can carve out submarine canyons by eroding and transporting sediment down the continental slope. The high sediment loads in turbidity currents create erosional forces that help shape and deepen submarine canyons over time. Submarine canyons act as conduits for turbidity currents to flow through and deposit sediment in the deep ocean.
There are a number of processes that could fit this description including mud / debris flows and solifluction (both types of "mass wasting"). In pelagic / benthic (marine) settings turbidity currents would also fit this description. Please see the related links.
when warm air rises cooler air moves in to replace it
The suffix for "submarine" is "-marine," which means related to the sea or marine environment.
Turbidity measures the cloudiness of a liquid caused by suspended solids, while optical density measures the amount of light absorbed by a sample. They are related in the sense that turbidity can affect optical density measurements, but they are not the same. Turbidity is a measure of the scattering of light by particles in a sample, while optical density is a measure of the absorption of light by a sample.
The Gosselins stayed at The Canyons in Park City Utah. See Related Links for the The Canyons website.
Utah has so many canyons because when glaciers came through Utah it left the ground in the form of a canyon. rephrased:there are so many canyons because of the glaciers
See Sources and related links.
Future price is not related to current demand
They use a periscope. See the related link for more information.