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If it's your primary residence you might be able to get away with it, but you should talk to your tax consultant first. ---------------------------------------- Double check with your uncle (sam that is). Things change every year.... But I believe it goes like this....... It would follow the same guidlines as a vacation home. Since it is a fully self contained housing unit, I do not believe you would have any problem deducting interest. Same would go for a motorhome.

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Q: Can you write off the interest on a houseboat?
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If you make the interest payments, you can normally write them off on taxes.

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Your son also has to be on the mortgage in order to be able to write off taxesv and interest on this property.

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No, but if you deduct you should be able to write off the interest on a mortgage loan. Contact a tax professional for details.

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No, but you can write them off as itemized deductions on your Schedule A.

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Houseboat Horror was created in 1989.

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You can live on a houseboat in Kentucky.

Can you write off the interest of a home loan if you are the primary resident but not the primary owner?

yes sir i will

Can you write off mortgage interest if you rent?

I'm not trying to be difficult, but I don't understand how you HAVE mortgage interest if you rent. You carry a mortgage on your rented home?

Should you pay off fixed rate Home Equity line of credit before saving the money?

That would depend on the interest rate, the amount of tax write off you get on the interest, and what you can earn in savings.

What happens when a bank writes off a debt?

The debt is simply deducted from the bank's assets. The bank sets its own interest rates for lenders, and any debts they write off is balanced by an increase in the interest rate.