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Yes, they can it will also be very romantic

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Q: Can a boat captain perform marriage ceremonies?
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Related questions

Does Canada recognize marriage performed at sea by the captain of a boat or a ship in international waters?

Not only does Canada not, but no-one does. It's a myth that captains can perform marriages. In fact, US and UK law explicitly forbid them from doing it - in case they thought they could!

How do you get the license to perform a wedding?

You have to be ordained a minister. Look in your community for non-denominational churces and see what it takes to become certified. You can also be a captain of a boat or a notary to perform marriages.

Where is captain bucks boat at the moment?

Captain Bucks boat is at the Port.

What is a driver of a boat called?

captain A boat driver.. if you have a small boat you are obvously not a "captain" in the sitcom "Giligan's Island" the "boat driver" was the skipper

What is the driver of a boat called?

captain A boat driver.. if you have a small boat you are obvously not a "captain" in the sitcom "Giligan's Island" the "boat driver" was the skipper

Who was on the Exxon Valdez when the oil spill happened?

the drunk captain of the boat The captain of the boat

Who was the captain of the boat in one flew over the cuckoos nest?

George is the captain of the boat. Before he was on the ward, he was a professional captain.

Can a captain marry people?

Originally, Captains were granted the power so in case one of the crew members died & were buried at sea they can preside over it. This grant also allows them to marry people. Now, they can only marry people if they are a registered Justice of the Peace.

When was Love Boat Captain created?

Love Boat Captain was created on 2003-02-18.

In the land there's a sea in the sea there's a boat in the boat there's a captain what is the name of the captain?


When was Captain John's harbor Boat Restaurant created?

Captain John's Harbour Boat Restaurant was created in 1970.

What is captain in Swahili?

Kapitani.But the captain of a boat or ship is nahodha.