It is 172.88 miles. it takes 3 hours to drive from Portland OR to Seattle. :)
Takes about 3hr and 30min
173 miles
I'd say San Fransisco 1st. then seattle, then portland.. but i live in portland so... hey! i live in portlnd OR! and i put it this way seattle then san fransisco and then portland Well I put it this way Portland, Seattle, then San francisco.
You can take Amtrak to British Columbia via Seattle, Tacoma, Portland, Salem and Eugene, which is called the Amtrak Cascades. You can also take the Coast Starlight, which services Seattle, Portland and Los Angeles. There is 1 last option, Empire Buidler, which services Chicago, St. Paul/Minneapolis, Milwauke, Spokane, Portland and Seattle.
180 miles between Seattle, Wash. and Portland, Oregon.
More than one state has a city named Portland, please specify...
The distance between Portland airport and Seattle airport by road is 165.2 miles.
The driving distance is 173 miles from Seattle, WA to Portland, OR per Map Quest. The driving time from Seattle to Portland per Map Quest is 3 hours and 5 minutes.