

Would a otter kill a duck?

Updated: 11/14/2022
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βˆ™ 13y ago

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Its possible. In 1997 an otter was accused of killing about 60 hens. Why?

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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Q: Would a otter kill a duck?
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Putting a duck in the microwave is dangerous and can cause serious harm to the duck and potentially damage the microwave. The duck may overheat, suffer burns, or even explode due to steam buildup inside the microwave. It is never safe or humane to put live animals in the microwave.

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A Holt is a den or burrow typically used by otters. Otters are semi-aquatic mammals that use holts as shelter and protection.

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Depends on what kind of snake bites the duck, if it is poisonous it could make the duck sick or could kill it. If it is just a normal water snake the I doubt that it will be able to kill the duck.

Would a deer eat a duck dead or not?

It is unlikely that a deer would eat a duck, whether it is dead or alive. Deer are primarily herbivores and typically feed on vegetation such as grass, leaves, and twigs. They are not known to be scavengers or predators of other animals.

Are duck in danger?

yes people kill them

Are Duck dangerous?

yes people kill them