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Q: Why would a small yellow-and-brown bird hop onto your hand?
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How do you feed a bird?

It all depends on what bird you have, I had a parakeet so there were little buckets that you put in the cage and filled with bird feed. If it is a larger bird you can probably hold it out in your hand, obviously don't do this with small bird feed, but do this with something larger such as a grape. (I only say this because my bird loved grapes) If it is a smaller bird and it is a treat just put it in the cage (try to do this quickly, my bird was nasty and if she saw a hand she would tried to bite you, and she would bite with all of her birdy might!) If it is a humming bird maybe you could put something sweet like honey on your finger. Hope this helps!

What is the ending a bird in the hand?

A bird in hand is worth two in the bush.

What state includes the small towns of Intercourse and Bird-in-Hand?

Both are in Pennsylvania, near Lancaster and Blue Ball.

What is the finishing line of the bird in the hand?

A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.

What is a bird in the hand good fore?

A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.

When was Bird-in-Hand Hotel created?

Bird-in-Hand Hotel was created in 1852.

How do you catch a wild bird by hand?

You should not try to catch a wild bird, by hand or otherwise. Unless you are licensed to work with and capture birds (in which case you would probably have the correct equipment) you could potentially harm the bird by mishandling it.

What does this mean A bird in the hand makes it hard to blow your nose?

This is a funny saying. The original proverb is "A bird in the hand in worth two in the bush." This saying takes it literally, and says that holding on to a bird would make it hard to blow your nose.

What does A feather in the hand is better than a bird in the air mean?

It's better to possess something, no matter how small, then to have nothing and only be able to see great things.

What in your hand?

a bird

Where should you get your bird?

A bird aviary, if not look for a clean pet store. If your looking for a bird companion look for a bird that is hand fed and/or hand raised :) hope that helps

What is the time if the big hand is on 6 and the small hand is on 10?

The clock is broken. If the big hand is on the six (half past the hour) the small hand would be between two numbers.