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Q: Why would a 14-year-old have a dime size bald spot on the back of the head?
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Is there a such thing as Dime-back in football?

there is nickel-back and there is a play type called Dime but I'm not sure if there is a position dime-back

Why would a 15 year old have a small bald spot on the left side of his head that has been there for a long time?

If the bald spot started out the size of a dime, and is growing, it could be alopecia areata, A dermatologist can give you a shot of cortizone to step the growth up or without treatment, it will grow back within a year. Stress is usally the cause of this. I have seen 4 cases of this.

Your year old daughter has a bald spot the size of a dime What could be the cause this bald spot was just notice during this weekend?

i think that is alopecia.. now search alopecia.. ^_^

Who is on the back of a US dime?

As you can see by checking the back of a dime in your pocket change, the back side of a dime doesn't show the picture of a person. Please see the Related Questions for more.

What is the value of a 1901 wheat dime?

There's no dime called a "wheat dime". There are the famous wheat CENTS, of course, that carry the images of two wheat ears on the back, but a 1901 dime has a wreath on the back and is frequently called a Barber dime after its designer Charles Barber.

What is the value of a 1910 wheat dime?

There's no dime called a "wheat dime". There are the famous wheat CENTS, of course, that carry the images of two wheat ears on the back, but a 1910 dime has a wreath on the back and is frequently called a Barber dime after its designer Charles Barber.

Who appears on back of a US dime?

No one appears on the back of a dime, but on currently circulating dimes, Franklin D. Roosevelt appears on the front.

What is on the back of a 1937 dime?

The back of a 1937 dime features an image of an olive branch on the left and a torch on the right, symbolizing peace and liberty, with the word "ONE DIME" in the center.

What is on the back of a 1905 dime?

There is a wreath with the words "ONE DIME" within the wreath. It is known as a Barber dime being named after its designer, Charles Barber.

Did the US mint make a dime with a penny back in 1971?

Nope. You have a novelty item made by cutting apart a penny and a dime, then hollowing out the back of the penny and popping the dime-half into it like the lid on a sandwich box.

What does the oak branch mean on the back of a dime?

The oak branch on the back of the dime has a collective meaning with the olive branch and torch. Together they mean peace, strength and liberty.

What is the Value of a 1901 Mercury dime?

That would be worth a lot being that they didn't start making them till 1916. A 1901 dime would be a Barber dime . Please see the question "What is the value of a 1901 US dime?" for more information.