the same reson we stand on two feet; It's more comfortable this way.
To rest the other leg.
When you lay on your back and lift your legs slowly in quicksand, you increase your surface area and reduce pressure, causing you to float on the denser sand and not sink. The slow, gentle movements help to distribute your weight more evenly and prevent you from getting trapped in the quicksand.
our leg bones and leg muscles
the leg bones of a bat are so thin that bats cannot stand
A Flamingo stands on one leg
first get on it. then stand. and push with one leg and balance with the other.
to pull a scale you stand on one leg (normally you stand on your right leg) then you grab the right side of your left ankle and pull it up.
Leg Before Wicket
We ties a stick on his leg and hand by which it stand straight
they stand on one leg
It stands for Restless Leg Syndrome.