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because all the other birds are going extinct in Haiti and also it i the most beautiful bird in the Caribbean!

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Q: Why was the hispaniolan trogon chosen for haitis national bird?
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When was Hispaniolan Trogon created?

Hispaniolan Trogon was created in 1817.


Haiti's national bird is the Hispaniolan trogon. See related links for a photo.

What ia haiti's national mammal?

It's a bird called the Hispaniolan Trogon

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The Bar-tailed Trogon and Thomson's Gazelle are the national animals of Malawi.

What is the Cuba national bird?

cuban trogon

What is the name of Cuba's national bird?

Cuban Trogon (Priotelus temnurus)

What does the bar tailed trogon stand for in Malawi?

it is Malawi's national bird

Does Cuba have a national bird?

Yes, Cuba has a national bird. Its name is the Cuban Trogon (Priotelus temnurus), also known as the Tocororo.

What is the scientific name for trogon?

There is an African species of trogon called the Narina Trogon. The scientific name is Apaloderma narina. Another species of trogon is the Violaceous Trogon from the Neotropical region, Trogon violaceus. And, of course, quetzals are trogons too. The Resplendent Quetzal is Pharomachrus moccino.

What is the state bird of Cuba?

The state bird of Cuba is the Cuban trogon, also known as the tocororo. It is a colorful bird with red, white, and blue feathers, which match the colors of the Cuban flag. It is considered a symbol of Cuba's national identity.

When was Philippine Trogon created?

Philippine Trogon was created in 1826.

When was Ward's Trogon created?

Ward's Trogon was created in 1927.