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In Judaism, Christianity, and Islam a white dove is generally a sign for peace. The Torah, The Old Testament and The Koran describe a story in which a dove was released by Noah after the Great Flood in order to find land. The dove came back carrying an olive branch in its beak, telling Noah that the Great Flood had receded and there was land once again for Man. (Genesis 8:11).

I believe the white dove to represent purity and innocence as white it often associated with this

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14y ago
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16y ago

I think because of her white color&the dove fly and the peace always like to fly over all the bad things like war

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4y ago
It represents the Holy Spirit
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4y ago
It represents The Holy Spirit

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11y ago

Because the Dove is a symbol of Christ/ God/ Holy spirit and in the story of Noah's Ark Noah released to see if the water supsided and it brought back an olive branch...

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