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Penguins are evolutionarily adapted for the sea; they have solid bones that allow them to stay submerged under water, and which are less prone to breakage from the stresses of swimming.'t_penguins_fly#ixzz18NXKAesz

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14y ago

Penguins are evolutionarily adapted for the sea; they have solid bones that allow them to stay submerged under water, and which are less prone to breakage from the stresses of swimming.

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Q: Why dont penguins fly?
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Why dont penguins use their wings to fly any more?


Are penguins birds?

Yes, they are. Penguins are birds but they can not fly. However they still have feathers, are warm blooded and lay eggs.

Which birds dont fly?

There are a few birds that can not fly. Penguins are one, ostrich, and most chickens can not fly either.

What is the main resone penguins can not fly?

why can penguins not fly

How are penguins and vultures different?

the vultures can fly and penguins can not fly

When was Where the Penguins Fly created?

Where the Penguins Fly was created in 2008.

Do penguins fly fast?

Penguins do not fly; they are a type of flightless bird. As a result, the question is not answerable as put. However, penguins are quite rapid swimmers.

How are penguins and parrots different?

penguins cant fly parrots can fly

What is the duration of Where the Penguins Fly?

The duration of Where the Penguins Fly is 2520.0 seconds.

Can penguins fly?

No, penguins cannot fly. Their wing structures are evolved for swimming.No. They are one of the birds with feathers and wings who do not fly. They swim. Poor penguins.

What are penguins adaptations since they dont fly like other birds?

sit around and eat cheese sticks

In what ways do penguins not resemble other kinds of birds?

That penguins can't fly but other birds can