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The girl budgie would attack the new boy budgie and not the old girl budgie because she is used to the other girl budgie and is not familiar to the new boy budgie.

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Q: Why does your girl budgie attack your new boy budgie and not your old girl budgie?
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Why did your budgie kill your other budgie?

if you have a budgie for quite awhile and then get another budgie your original budgie will get territorial and attack the newer bird. If this is the case you need to get to cages and slowly show the new budgie to the older budgie. keep doing it again and again until eventually you should be able to keep the two birds in one cage.

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well it depends on how old the new femal is. If he and her are the same age then they are suitable to mate but if she is very young, lets say a month - two months then keep them away from each other , we wouldn't want the fighting now would we. Budgies can learn to live together quite easily but it takes some time espacialy if the male you speak of has bonded to you. If you do not know the age of ur new budgie look at her head and if it is fully striped from the cere"the nostrils" back that's means she is 4 months or older. if it is a solid color and/ or fluffy than she is older and can mate

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If you have had a budgie for a while and you want to get a new one is it safe to keep them in the same cage?

It is not recommended to keep a new budgie with an existing one in the same cage initially. There may be territorial issues and the risk of spreading diseases or parasites. It's best to introduce them slowly in separate cages and supervise their interactions before considering moving them together.