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Q: Why does the author use the simile His hands are like wild birds?
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Is this a simile or metaphor the surge felt like the blood was rushing to your hands?

A simile is a comparison which uses the words "like" or "as". A metaphor is a word which does use "like" or "as". Therefore, "The surge felt 'like' the blood was rushing to your hands" would be a simile.

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It means that joe has big fat hands

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Fast as lightning is it a metaphor or similie?

It is a simile, they use like or as. Like many similes, you could convert it to a metaphor: "In the ring, his hands became bolts of lightning."

A simile in billy Elliot Chapter 1?

maybe...maybe not... does the author/ speaker compare two things using the words (like or as)? For example:His hands were as smooth as silkHis smile was bright like the sun

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A simile in "The Monkey's Paw" is when the paw is described as being "like a dried mummy's hand." This simile helps create a creepy and eerie atmosphere, adding to the story's suspense and foreshadowing the dangers that come with using the paw.

Is this class is like a circus a metaphor or simile?

A simile.

Is I felt like a cheetah when I ran the race a simile or a metaphor?

A metaphor

What simile does the author use to describes Judge Taylor?

The simile that the author uses to describe Judge Taylor is "like a sleepy old shark."

If an author makes a comparison between two things that uses the words like or as he or she has included a?

The author has uses a simile.

Is you feel like a limp dishrag a metaphor or simile?

simile its a simile when you use "like"