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the nightingale represents the dawn, meaning Romeo can stay.

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Q: Why does Juliet claim that the singing bird is a nightingale rather than lark?
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What at first does Juliet claim romeo hears the morning after the wedding night?

Juliet claims that Romeo hears the morning lark singing when she wants to convince him that it is not yet dawn and he does not need to leave.

Why does juliet claim to hear a nightingale?

Juliet claims to hear a nightingale because she wants to convince Romeo that it is still night, so he does not have to leave. The nightingale's song is typically heard at night, and Juliet hopes that by pretending it is the nightingale, Romeo will stay with her longer.

What at first does Juliet claim that romeo hears the morning after the wedding night?

He thinks that it is the lark, a bird that sings in the morning. That would mean that it is time for him to sneak out. But she, of course, wants him to stay and argues that no, it is the nightingale. She says this because if it was the nightingale, he would not have to leave yet.

What did Juliet claim that Romeo heard at first after their marriage?

I suppose you are asking about the conversation which Romeo and Juliet have in Act 3, Scene 5 after they wake up after their first night together. This is hardly "at first" after their wedding which takes place in the last scene of Act 2, about a day earlier. At the very beginning of this scene Juliet says, "It was the nightingale and not the lark which pierced the fearful hollow of thine ear."

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to help marry him and Juliet

Was Juliet Prowse Promiscuocs?

There is no widespread evidence to support the claim that Juliet Prowse was promiscuous. Personal details about her relationships and private life are not well-documented, so such assertions would be speculative. It is important to focus on her talent and achievements as a dancer and actress rather than rumors about her personal life.

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In most states yes. However, the child will not claim it, rather the custodial parent.

Who was Juliet in the 1968 movie Romeo and Juliet?

Romeo was played by British actor Leonard Whiting. He was seventeen years old at the time.

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Factual claim is supported by evidence/fact rather than any assumption or presumption.

BLank Is language used to persuade or influence beliefs or attitudes rather than to prove a claim logically?

Rhetoric is the language used to persuade or influence beliefs or attitudes rather than to prove a claim logically. It focuses on using emotional and persuasive techniques to sway an audience's opinion rather than purely relying on factual evidence.

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I would describe "what if your luck will improve?" as a speculation rather than a claim. If I said "your luck will improve" I would be making a claim. Whether it would be a justifiable claim would depend upon the circumstances.

How is it best to describe the relationship between Juliet and her parents?

The relationship between Juliet and her parents isn't very good because they ask her to marry Paris without considering her feelings. They also claim she's dead to them when she refuses to marry Paris