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Because it pokes along and poops while in flight

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Q: Why do we call a heron a shitpoke?
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Related questions

What do you call the baby of heron?

Its called a chick

What do you call an Egyptian wading bird?

This could be an Ibis or a type of Heron/ Egret or several others.

What is bigger a gray heron or a blue heron?

The Great Blue Heron is normally larger than the Gray Heron.

Is heron an adverb?

No, the word "heron" is not an adverb.The word "heron" is actually a noun.

What are the small white crain like birds in Texas?

we call them tick birds but they're a type of egret, or heron.

What eats heron?

me eat heron

What is heron's size of talons?

Depends on the species and size of that heron.

What preys on a heron?

A snake preys on a heron.

Is heron a fish?

no,because a heron is a bird

What is the birth name of Joyce Heron?

Joyce Heron's birth name is Elizabeth Joyce Heron.

What nicknames does Dadrea Heron go by?

Dadrea Heron goes by Blueness, Roxy, and Royal Heron.

Do babies come from a heron?

From a heron's eggs. A heron is a bird and lays eggs. The babies hatch from the eggs.