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== == It helps that both the gazelle and the ostrich live in open plains, and that they are not a threat to each other. By staying close to each other they can help warn if there is a predator approaching. That is, more eyes watching out for predators helps keep both of them safe.

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Because they mate together, and make ostelles.

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Q: Why do the gazelle and the ostrich live together?
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What is the relationship of a ostrich and a gazelle?


What is the symbiotic relationship of an ostrich and a gazelle?

The symbiotic relationship of an Ostrich and a gazelle is a mutualism relationship, since both species benefit one another.

what is the relationship between a gazelle and ostrich?


What are advantages of the ostrich and the gazelle?

Advantages of an ostrich include its speed, which allows it to escape from predators, and its large eyes that provide good vision. Gazelles have strong endurance, allowing them to cover long distances in search of food and water, and they are agile and can change direction quickly to evade predators.

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How is the symbiotic relationship between an ostrich and gazelle demonstrated?

the gazelle and ostrich hang out with each other and when ever predators are near warn each other, the ostrich has bad sight, but great hearing. the gazelle has bad hearing, but good sight. they help each other in the race for survival . this is the symbiotic relationship btw (between) an ostrich and a gazelle .

What is the symbiotic relationship between ostrich and a gazelle?

err i think they are friends

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They would die

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Ostriches and zebras can often be found sharing the same habitat because they have complementary characteristics that benefit both species. Ostriches have sharp eyesight and can spot predators from a distance, while zebras have a heightened sense of smell and can detect danger nearby. By living together, they provide each other with an extra layer of protection against predators.

What kind of birds live in the savannah?

some birds that live in the savannah are ostrich, savannah sparrow, emu, that's all that I know

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Both live together to derive benefit from each other.