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Pigeons weigh so little they have a small skellaton and they dont eat a lot of food hope this helps

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Q: Why do pigeons weigh so little?
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Related questions

How much do Clay pigeons weigh?

100gr (3.5 ounces)

How much should a racing pigeon weigh?

Pigeons have different sizes and weights. A racing or homing pigeons grow up to 360 grams. Lately smaller pigeons have recorded faster speeds.

Are pigeons bigger then swans?

no swans are a little bigger

Why do you release pigeons?

you do it because then god gives you a little kiss

What is Niall Horan biggest fear?

pigeons and when he was little, clowns

How much did Dylan weigh when he was 13?

well he looked a little fat so he used to weigh 58.67 kg

Are pigeons intelligent?

It depends on what kind of pigeon it is. Some pigeons are very intelligent, but others, not so much.

Do pigeons have four limbs?

Pigeons cant fly without legs as they cant land propperly or balence straight so no!

Are pigeons dirty?

They are dirtier than other birds so better stay away from pigeons because they carry germs.

How do carrier pigeons navigate to deliver letters?

carrier pigeons are trained to deliver messages, they are trained so they know how to get to their destination. it is me understanding that carrier pigeons were used in world war 1 for delivering messages

Why do city pigeons exist in so many colors?

Pigeons come in a number of colors. The basic color are White, light blue, red, black and grey. but most pigeons have two or three colors.

What is the meaning of release the pigeons?

In a pigeon race, all pigeons are gathered and taken to a location to be resealed. The release of the pigeons is recorded so to calculate the speed. The cages are opened in a race, is what they call pigeon release.