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To keep them warm also to help to keep water away from their skin.

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Q: Why do penguins have feather?
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What kind of feather do baby penguins have?

down feather

Are penguins slimy?

they are very slimy, like a wet feather if you have ever felt one of those.

Why do penguins have short legs?

Penguins appear to have very short legs and no knees because only the lower leg is externally visible. Their knees and upper legs are feather covered.

How do penguins live in the Antarctic?

Penguins live in ocean waters -- they are sea birds. Their feather patterns and a layer of blubber keep their vital organs warm so that they survive in their natural habitat.

Do penguins bend their knees when walking?

Do penguins have knees? Yes. Penguins appear to have very short legs and no knees because only the lower leg is externally visible. Their knees and upper legs are feather covered, hiding them from view. This also means that penguins never get cold knees

What do down feather look like?

It looks very puffy and very fluffy. Only baby penguins have down feathers.

Give two adaptations that penguins have to keep warm in Antarctica?

They have several layers of feathers and they have feet covered in feather to keep warm.

What is the job of a penguins feather?

to insulate and help them regulate their temperature. it stops their body temperature from dropping as it keeps the water off their skin

Is a baby penguins fur called down?

A penguin skin has two layers: a fat layer and a feather layer. The fat layer (also calledblubber) is several centimeters thick and helps penguins in staying warm, even in extreme conditions.The feather layer is the top layer, and also helps in keeping a penguin warm. It is wind- and waterproof thanks to several things. First of all, a penguin feather consists of two parts: a downy and a stiff part.

Why do penguins live in cold places?

Penguins are adapted for cold environments with layers of insulating feathers and a thick layer of blubber. They rely on cold temperatures to keep cool, as they can overheat easily due to their high activity levels and dense feather coat. Additionally, cold waters provide ample food sources for penguins to hunt.

Do penguins have skin?

Yes, penguins do have skin. Their skin is covered with feathers, which help keep them warm in cold climates and streamline their bodies for swimming in the water. Beneath the feathers, penguins have a layer of blubber that provides additional insulation.

Do all penguins have fur?

Yes, like all other birds, penguins have feathers. Penguin feathers are short, overlapping and densely packed. The outer part of the feather is waterproof while the inner down section traps an insulating layer of air, keeping the penguin warm in the sometimes freezing water.