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an owl cannot see clearly n morning because it sleeps in morning

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Q: Why do owls cant see clearly in the morning?
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Owls are far-sighted?

Yes it is, they are unable to see clearly anything within a few centimeters of their eyes.

What is the name of the machine used to see tiny things clearly that we cant see with our eyes?

that will be a Microscope


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When the sun is close to the horizon during morning or evening, its light has to pass through a thicker layer of the Earth's atmosphere, causing it to scatter. This scattering effect makes it more difficult for our eyes to directly see the sun until it rises higher in the sky.

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the "smoke" is always there when you breathe in the morning, when its cold, you see like a mist, that what that is, its just you usually cant see it

Are owls far sighted?

Yes it is, they are unable to see clearly anything within a few centimeters of their eyes.

How far can in owl see?

An owl can clearly see an object that is a mile away from where it is perched.

Why on your computer gta4 its all night and you cant see anything?

work on your grammar buddy. in the in-game internet you can see very clearly on night, morning, and afternoon. if not your game is broken or you might want to adjust you appearance via start menu and turn up brightness, contrast, and saturation

Do owls hunt by day or night?

Daytime hunting owls are different from night hunting owls by if you see owls in daytime their daytime hunting owls, and if you see them at night their night hunting owls.

How do owls see?

Owls see by using their eyes. They have very flexible heads.

Do owl have cone or rod cells?

No it have the cones or rod cells as we have but its size is two times bigger than us, that's why owls can see clearly in dark but not in light.

How well do owls see in the night?

Owls have advanced eyesight, therefore can see in the dark