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They are conditioned to be around during the months of 'decompisition'. That's why during the winter months they are scarce.

They are conditioned to be around during the months of 'decompisition'. That's why during the winter months they are scarce.

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Q: Why do house flies swarm in the spring?
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What is a group a pesky flies called?

A Swarm A Swarm

What is a group of horseflies called?

A group of flies is called a swarm or cloud.

What do you call a group of sand-flies?

A swarm of sand flies.[1]

What is the collective noun for the word swarm?

The collective noun swarm is used for:a swarm of antsa swarm of beesa swarm of butterfliesa swarm of cockroachesa swarm of cootsa swarm of dragon fisha swarm of dronesa swarm of earthquakesa swarm of eelsa swarm of fliesa swarm of gnatsa swarm of grasshoppersa swarm of hornetsa swarm of insectsa swarm of locustsa swarm of mosquitosa swarm of ratsa swarm of suitorsa swarm of sycophantsa swarm of termites

What do flies like?

swarm around and eat trash.

What flies like to do?

swarm around and eat trash.

What is a bunch of flies called?

The standard collective nouns for flies are:a business of fliesa swarm of flies

What is a group of flys called?

Collective noun for a group of flies: swarm

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What pet stores sell queen ants?

No. You can find a queen in the spring when ants swarm .

What does swarm mean in Pokemon Platinum?

a swarm is a group of Pokemon that appear on a random route after recieveing the national dex. to find out where the swarm is and what Pokemon are in the swarm, go to dawn/lucas's house in sandgem and talk to their little sister.

How to get nosepass?

In Pokemon pearl, you get a nosepass through a swarm. You can get a swarm by talking to the little girl in Lucas' house in Sandgem Town