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No one is really sure why flamingos stand on one leg. Scientist aren't even sure why flamingos stand on one leg. But one thing that has been proposed is that flamingos stand on one leg to relieve the pressure off the one side and res that side while the other side functions and controls the body. Then when that side has rested then they will alternate legs and do the same thing until they are fully rested and ready to go on about their business.

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Let's say you were outside on a very cold day and all you had on was a short sleeved t shirt. What would you do to keep your arms warm?

My guess is you'd hug them as close to your body as possible so as to keep in the heat.

Well, that is exactly what a flamingo does. By tucking one leg in close to it's body,it's able to stay warmer in cooler weather

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Why do flamingo's stand one leg?

No one is really sure why flamingos stand on one leg. Scientist aren't even sure why flamingos stand on one leg. But one thing that has been proposed is that flamingos stand on one leg to relieve the pressure off the one side and res that side while the other side functions and controls the body. Then when that side has rested then they will alternate legs and do the same thing until they are fully rested and ready to go on about their business.

Do Flamingos sleep standing on 1 leg?

none, they can levitate... hope i was helpful :D

How long can a flamingos stand on one leg?

For round about 2-4 hours! Impressive,or what!

Why do flamingos stand in water?

Flamingos stand in the water because they eat shrimp.

Do flamingos pee on their legs to stay cool?

Flamingo's stand on one leg to regulate their body temperature.

What birds sleep standing up?

Flamingos are known to sleep standing up on one leg, tucking their heads under their wings. This behavior helps them conserve energy and stay alert to potential threats while resting.

What is Collective noun for flamingos?

The collective nouns for flamingos are:a stand of flamingosa flamboyance of flamingosa colony of flamingosa flock of flamingosa flurry of flamingos

Why does a flamingo stand on one leg instead of two legs?

Aside from being pretty in pink, one of the flamingos' most famous characteristics is standing on one leg!Nobody knows exactly why flamingos like standing on just one leg so much, but scientists have a couple of ideas. The most likely reason is that it helps the beautiful birds to stay warm and conserve body heat. Because they stand in water a lot of the time, flamingos are likely to lose body heat faster than those of us who don't spend a lot of time standing in water. Using just one leg lessens the amount of heat they lose to the cold water.Some other ideas about why they stand on one leg include preventing tissue damage or germs that they might pick up from the cold water they stand in, and preventing their muscles from getting tired by using just one leg at a time!

What are the release dates for Navy Log - 1955 Not a Leg to Stand On 1-27?

Navy Log - 1955 Not a Leg to Stand On 1-27 was released on: USA: 27 March 1956

What year was the flamingo discovered?

allen joe

What is a group flamingo called?

A group of flamingos is called:a stand of flamingosa flamboyance of flamingosa colony of flamingosa flock of flamingos