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This is a normal part of a budgerigar hen's development. It means that her body is in breeding condition. It is not a sign of sickness.

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How do you know the sex of a budgie?

Female budgies have a brown beak. Male budgies have a blue beak

What color are female budgies?

any colour

Do budgies and weeros get along?

not sure butif you do get budgies dont put a a male and a male and a female together one male will eat the male then it will eat the female and then it will eat the eggs and then it will die.

Is it true that yellow female budgies are more aggressive then others?

I don't think that is true. It's like saying a blonde is dumb, but they aren't. But female budgies are more aggressive than males.

How do you know if a green cheeked amazon is male or female?

you see which one is a darker green if its darker its female and lighter is male.

Why do budgies of different sex fight?

they shouldn't fight. if male and female fight, there is a problem.

Why do my male and female budgies fight with each other?

Male and female budgies may fight due to territorial behavior, competition for resources, or incompatible personalities. It is important to provide enough space, toys, and attention to reduce conflicts between them.

How can you tell weather your map turtle is male or female?

If it is a female the belly is darker

It is male or female budgies that speak?

Male budgies tend to speak better then females. Although don't count the females out, some can learn to talk and females are also very good whistlers!

Why does my pair of budgies always go in the nest box when there are no eggs?

This is typical pre-nesting behaviour. The budgies, in particular the female, are preparing the nesting box for nesting. Some pairs of budgies never successfully breed, but they still display all the signs and behaviour of wanting to nest.

What colors are budgies?

male-blue, grey, black, white female-green, yellow, black, white

I have 4 budgies and I was wondering if I should put the 2 mating budgies in a cage alone so that the other two won't bother the hen while she is nesting. Or is it better that the other 2 are there?

It depends on the behavior of your budgies. If they are aggressive or like to stick around by the 2 mating budgies, I would suggest separate them because the female won't be comfortable with the distraction of the other 2 budgies. However, if the other 2 rarely come by the 2 mating budgies or completely ignore them, I suggest keep the two there.