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Because God created them to do so. 21 And God created the great sea creatures* and all living creatures* that move and swarm in the waters according to their kinds and every winged flying creature according to its kind. And God saw that it was good. 22 With that God blessed them, saying: "Be fruitful and become many and fill the waters of the sea,+ and let the flying creatures become many in the earth." Genesis 1:31 31 After that God saw everything he had made, and look! it was very good.+ And there was evening and there was morning, a sixth day.

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because they have evolved and adapted to that kind of weather.

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Q: Why birds can reproduce in Antarctica when temperatures are below cero?
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How many times do animals reproduce in a year in Antarctica?

Penguins that live in the oceans surrounding Antarctica reproduce once a year. Depending on the type of penguin, they may lay one or two eggs. Other birds follow this same pattern. Seals and Sea Lions reproduce once a year.

Why do birds live in Antarctica?

No birds 'live' in Antarctica. However, some sea birds, including penguins, come to Antarctica's beaches to breed.

How birds reproduce by producing what?

Birds reproduce by laying fertilised eggs.

How does flamingo reproduce?

Flamingos are birds. Birds reproduce by laying eggs and hatching them in a nest.

Facts about birds that live in Antarctica?

No birds live in Antarctica. Sea birds, including penguins, skuas, petrels and more, breed on Antarctica's beaches during breeding season.

Where do birds live in antarctica?

No birds 'live' in Antarctica. Some types of birds, notably penguins, come to Antarctica's beaches to breed for a few weeks during spring and summer.

Does a bird reproduce sexually or asexually?

Birds reproduce sexually.

Types of birds that live in antarctica?

No birds live in Antarctica: it's too cold and there is no food chain there. Sea birds, such as penguins, skuas, terns and more, breed on Antarctica's beaches, and then return to their homes at sea.

Why are many animals in Antarctica birds?

Sea birds and sea mammals visit Antarctica's beaches to breed, together with other sea birds. There are no land animals on Antarctica: it's too cold and there is no food chain.

What birds is found in Antarctica?

No birds are found in Antarctica: it's too cold and there is no food chain. However, some sea birds do breed on Antarctica's beaches, including penguins, terns, albatross and so forth.

How does vultures reproduce?

The vultures reproduce by eggs like all birds

Do blue jays reproduce?

Yes, all birds reproduce sexually.