

Why bats be night birds?

Updated: 10/8/2023
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12y ago

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Bats can hunt at night because they can 'see' without needing light. This means that they can take advantage of being able to hunt while other predators are not able to prey on them. Basically, bats feed at night for security reasons

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16y ago
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13y ago

Bats can not see in the dark, because they can't see color, but use echolocation (pulsing beats) to tell where different things are located.

And that didn't answer your question. Yes. They are.

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12y ago

Bats are not birds. They are mammals. They fly at night because they have more food available and fewer predators. More insects fly at night. Many bats eat insects. Hawks like to eat bats, but most of them fly in the daytime. Bats are at danger from hawks mainly at dusk and dawn. Owls remain a danger all night long. Still, there are few other predators like exist in the daytime.

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16y ago

Most bats fly at night because their food is out at night.

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14y ago

The reason why bats come out are only because they can not see in the morning and if they do I believe they will die or burn to death.

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15y ago

Becuase it sleeps though the day, and is awake at night.

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13y ago

because they sleep in the day and awake at night

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8y ago

It is most likely because daytime activity would bring bats into too much competition with birds, which were already well-established by the time bats evolved.

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