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apart from chickens?

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Q: Why are there no flightless birds in the northern hemisphere?
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The flightless marine birds of the southern hemisphere that lives in rookeries?


Can you name a Flightless Icelandic bird?

I think a penguin. It is not the penguin. The penguin does not live in the northern hemisphere.

What family does a penguin come from?

Penguins belong to the family Spheniscidae, which is a group of flightless birds found in the Southern Hemisphere.

What are peguins why are they so ugly?

they r flightless birds that live in the southen hemisphere (not only in antarctica) and r not ugly! ahahahaha

What animal group does a penguin belong in?

Penguins are birds

Which Australian birds are flightless?

Australia does not have ten flightless birds. Only the emu and the southern cassowary are truly flightless.

What do these organisms have in common cassowary emu kiwi and rhea?

They are all members of the Class Aves. More specifically, they are all flightless birds, belonging to a group of birds called "ratites". Ratites are found almost exclusively within the Southern Hemisphere.

What country in the Southern Hemisphere do kiwis live in?

Kiwis are native to New Zealand, a country located in the Southern Hemisphere. They are flightless birds that are known for their unique appearance and nocturnal habits.

Many Northern Hemisphere birds respond to seasonal environmental changes by?


What can birds do instead of going hibernate?

They can migrate to different regions. The birds in the Northern hemisphere go south during winter. The birds in the Southern hemisphere go north during winter. They migrate towards the equator.

Do flightless birds have hollow bones?

no they do not have hollow bones. this is because they are flightless and god just made them that way♥ ♥

What hemisphere is Iceland in?

The northern hemisphere.