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Q: Why are do some brown pelicans have white heads?
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Why do some pelicans in Florida have white or yellow heads?

Adult breeding pelicans in Florida have white or yellowish heads as part of their breeding plumage, which they develop during the mating season to attract mates. This color change is temporary and fades after the breeding season is over.

What do pelicans look like?

pelicans are white they have feathers are long and medium

What do praying mantis look like?

Baby praying mantisis usually are brown and white but some are pretty small withe medium sized heads

What are some facts about pelicans?

*they are white *they eat fish *they are birds *they love me *they fly *they will eat your eyes out -thank you

Why are some chicken eggs white and why are some brown?

Because there are brown & white chickens.

Is a rat brown?

it depends on the rat some rats are white some grey white and brown

What are some Windclan cats that are brown and white?

Some Windclan cats that are brown and white include Runningwind, Furzepelt, and Heathertail.

What are facts about pelicans?

Some interesting facts about pelicans are the stink and love to be romantic

What are pelicans special features?

Pelicans live on every continent except Antarctica. Brown pelicans live mostly along the coasts of North and South America. The other pelicans usually breed inland, and can be found on all continents except South America. At breeding time, pelicans prefer nesting areas that are undisturbed, with water nearby where there are plenty of fish. Brown pelicans are the only true seabirds in the group, and they live along seacoasts. In general, the other pelicans breed near freshwater lakes and rivers, although they may spend some time in saltwater areas when they are not nesting.

What color are Filipinos?

It can vary, some are light brown or dark brown or tan and some are white.

Are pelicans endangered?

noNo, Pelicans are not extinct, but there is a type of pelican that is endangered.

Why are some eggs brown and some are white?
