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We are not totally sure why cuckoos are in decline. In the UK they are on the red list. They are also often hard to see. They are not enormously distinctive to look at, inhabit the countryside where most of us don't live, and outside the breeding season may be hidden by foliage. They are only summer visitors. They have a wide range of habitats, which conversely works against seeing them as there are less specific places to look than for some other birds. In fact Wordsworth said 'O, cuckoo, shall I call thee bird, or but a wandering voice?'. If you can find their haunts from local knowledgeable people, your best chance of seeing them is in the breeding season when they perch out in the open more often. Possible reasons for decline include a reduction in their food supply because of pesticide use, deterioration of their wintering grounds in sub-Saharan Africa, and the slaughter of Songbirds along their migration routes, in places like Cyprus and Malta. These notes refer to the old World parasitic cuckoos. There are many other sub-families including American birds such as the roadrunner.

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13y ago

Birds are rare because of the climate change some birds die out and less habitat.

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13y ago

They are not rare where I live. They feed on blooming flowers way up on mountains. I live along the Travis River in Texas.

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