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a melon felon

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Q: Who steals cantaloupes hinky pinky?
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What is hinky pinky for someone who steals cantaloupes?

melon felon

What is a hinky pinkies for who steals cantaloupes?

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Hinky pinky for stealing cantaloupes?

melon felon

What is the hinky pinkie for someone who steals cantaloupes?

melon felon

What is a hinky pinky for who steals cantalopes?

melon felon

What is hinky pinky for a person who steals cantelopes?

melon felon

What is a hinky pinky for someone who steals a cantaloupe?

Fruit thief's loot.

What is the pinky for someone who steals cantaloupes?

melon felon

What is a hinky pinky for thin Shetland?

The hinky pinky is bony pony.

What is hinky pinky for moonshine?

Hinky-pinky for moonshine would be "risky whiskey."

What is the answer to Hinky Pinky boy's test?

His quiz is the answer to hinky pinky boy's test.

What is the hinky pinky for amphibian tree?

frog log is the hinky pinky for amphibian tree