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wing joint, feather joint?

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Q: Which wood joint is named after part of birds anatomy?
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Is there a finger joint called anatomy?

No, but a finger joint is part of your anatomy.

What is the name of a line of frozen products named after its founder whose name refers to part of a birds anatomy?

Birdseye frozen foods

What part of speech is the word talon?

A noun; it is the name of part of the anatomy of some birds, such as eagles and vultures.

What part of a mans anatomy is named after a character in the bible?

Body; Adam's apple. After: Adam

A line of frozen products named after its founder who name refers to a part of a birds anantomy?


Do humming birds have knees?

A feature named 'knee' doesn't appear in a parrot's skeleton as an identified component of its leg. But you could consider that the joint between the bird's femur and tibiotarsus to be a knee or the location of its knee.

What part of speech is anatomy in?

"anatomy" is a noun if that's what you mean?

Which part of joint describes the shoulder joint?

Ball and Socket joint

What is the sentence of anatomy?

Anatomy is the hardest subject of the year. Too much too study in just one year.

What is the top part of the human body?


What part of the human anatomy begins with a?


What are the release dates for It Is Written - 1956 Anatomy of Sin Part 1?

It Is Written - 1956 Anatomy of Sin Part 1 was released on: USA: 2006