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Talons/Claws would help a hawk catch a mouse.

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Aidan O'Brien

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Q: Which adaptation would help a hawk catch a mouse?
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Is a mouse a predator of a hawk?

no the predator of the mouse would be a hawk

Can a hawk eat a mouse?

It depends on the type of hawk.

What is the effect on the coyote and the hawk if the mouse was to go extinct?

what is the effect on the coyote and the hawk if the mouse was to go extinct

What would the food web look like for a mouse corn bluebird king snake hawk a cat and a cricket?

corn is at the bottom which is the producer, then the mouse and cricket eat the corn, cat and snake eat the mouse, blubird eats the cricket, and the hawk is at the top of the foodchain and the hawk eats the bluebird, snake, and the cat

What is the correct energy flow hawk corn mouse bacteria?

The correct energy flow in this ecosystem would be bacteria -> corn -> mouse -> hawk. Bacteria break down dead organic matter and release nutrients that are absorbed by corn. Mice feed on corn, and hawks prey on mice.

What is the correct food chain for grasshopper bird grass hawk?

Theanwer is hawk to snake to mouse to grass

Lion is to antelope hawk is to?


What special adaptation does the hawk have when hunting for food?


What is it called when a hawk eats a mouse that eats grass?

You COULD be talking about a food chain,. ie, The hawk would be at the top of the food chain and the grass at the bottom. An extention to your example could be, "A Hawk eats a mouse which eats bugs which eat grass" An alternate answer could also be... "it is called Eating"

What would most likely happen if the number of hawks increases?

The mouse population will increase. (apex)

What are the chances of a mouse surviving an attack from a hawk?

not much

What animal eats a sparrow-hawk?
