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A little city in Italy where they eat coffee cakes and drink tea all day.

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Josianne Prohaska

Lvl 13
2y ago
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12y ago

Swans are found on all continents except for Antarctica.

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13y ago

A little city in Italy where they eat coffee cakes and drink tea all day.

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10y ago

Swan fossils have been found in Europe that are over 5 million years old. Fossils have also been found in Asia, as well as North America.

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11y ago

by their parent's

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Q: Where do swans migrate?
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Does a swan migrate?

swans do fly far

Where does Tundra Swan live?

in the tundra

Where does swans hibernate?

Mute Swans breed in the British Isles and northern central Britain. In the winter they can migrate as far as North Africa.

Why do swans migrates?

Migration for breeding and food

What is a word migrate in a sentence?

birds migrate all the way from one continent to another. Humans also migrated greatly.

Were do swan go wen is witer?

Swans, and quite a lot of bird species, will migrate southwards to escape the worst of the winter weather.

Where do black necked swans migrate?

To a little city in Italy where they eat coffee cakes and drink tea all day long in the offseason.

Do swans hibernate?

No, swans do not hibernate. Instead, they migrate to warmer areas during the winter months. They may also remain in colder areas, depending on the availability of food and water.

Where do swans Winter?

Because in the winter its cold in the north (thus the north pole ;) ) and it very warm in the south so if i live in canada and im having winter the south will be having summer. plz accept mine as the best answer :) thankers!

Which songbirds migrate?

Nearly all warbler species, most finches, and thrushes, like robins, bluebirds, hermit thrush, and wood thrush.

What does swans do?

swans hisses

What is the collective noun for a group of quail or swans?

Collective nouns for quail are: A covey of quail A bevy of quail Collective nouns for swans are: a ballet of swans a bank of swans a bevy of swans a drift of swans a eyrar of swans (a nest of young swans) a fanfare of swans a flight of swans a flock of swans a game of swans a herd of swans a lamentation of swans a regatta of swans (on water) a sounder of swans a squadron of swans a team of swans a wedge of swans (in flight) a whiteness of swans a whiting of swans