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Once the most abundant bird in North America, with flocks numbering in the billions. This bird was hunted to extinction in the early 1900's.

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North America, mainly east of the Rockies.

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12y ago

Eastern deciduous forests, to the plains of North America.

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Q: Where do passenger pigeons live?
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What is the difference between a passenger pigeon and a regular pigeon?

The main difference is that passenger pigeons are extinct. Also, regular pigeons now are much less attractive in color that passenger pigeons were.

What are the passenger pigeons predators?

Peregrine Falcons are the most threat for your pigeons.

Where were passenger pigeons in the summer?

Passenger pigeons would fly in large flocks in Wisconsin and other states in the 1800s.

What was passenger pigeons habitat?

The passenger lived in the forests of eastern North America.

What is the difference between the now extinct passenger pigeon and the messenger pigeon?

Messenger pigeons are domesticated Rock Pigeons,Columba livia domestica, that are trained to fly and return to humans. Passenger pigeons were a wild species.

Where was the passenger pigeon live?

Once the world's most abundant bird, numbering in the billions, these wild pigeons lived in North America.

What is the passenger Pigeons' scientific name?

Ectopistes Migratorious.

How were the passenger pigeon endangered?

Passenger Pigeons became endangered through overhunting and habitat loss.

What year did the Passenger Pigeons become extinct?

The last known passenger pigeon died in 1914.

When did the population of passenger pigeons start declining?

start of the airplane

How old are pigeons?

Pigeons are able to live up to 3-5yrs.

How do you catch a batch of pigeons live?

You get a Net And Throw it at a Flock of Pigeons