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Bobcats dont lay eggs, they have litters like a regular cat.

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Q: Where do bob cats nest and who takes care of the eggs?
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# it takes about 1-2months for a baby bird leaves its nest.

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They didn’t care for them. Like the reptiles of today they lay eggs and leave the nest.

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Will a female betta fish make a bubble nest?

No. The male betta makes the bubble nest, the female lays the eggs, the male fertilizes the eggs and then takes the eggs and places them into the bubbles of the nest. Most often he will then turn and attack the female i still present. The male will then tend to the eggs until hatched making sure to replace any eggs that fall out of their bubbles.

How do parakeets take care their eggs?

The parakeets will lay their eggs in a nest that they build themselves. The parakeets will sit on the eggs until all have hatched. The eggs should hatch after 18 days.

What is the range of eggs per nest?

the range of eggs per nest is 4 eggs

Do snails need to be on the nest for the eggs to hatch?

No, snails do not make a nest, they do stay on a nest, they do not hatch eggs. The eggs mature and hatch by themselves.